termtool guide

termtool helps you write subcommand-based command line tools in Python. It collects several Python libraries into a declarative syntax:

  • argparse, the argument parsing module with subcommand support provided in the standard library in Python 2.7 and later.
  • prettytable, an easy module for building tables of information.
  • progressbar, a handy module for displaying progress bars.
  • logging, the simple built-in module for logging messages.

Making your script

Each termtool script is defined as a Termtool subclass. Each subcommand in the script is an instance method marked with the subcommand() decorator.

A script like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from termtool import Termtool, subcommand, argument

class Example(Termtool):

    description = 'A script that frobs or displays bazzes'

    @subcommand(help='frobs a baz')
    @argument('baz', help='the baz to frob')
    def frob(self, args):
        # do the work to frob a baz

    @subcommand(help='displays a baz')
    @argument('baz', help='the baz to display')
    @argument('--csv', action='store_true', help='sets display mode to CSV')
    def display(self, args):
        # display the baz

if __name__ == '__main__':

creates a command like this:

$ example --help
usage: example [-h] [-v] [-q] COMMAND ...

A script that frobs or displays bazzes

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -v          be more verbose (stackable)
  -q          be less verbose (stackable)

    frob      frobs a baz
    display   displays a baz

$ example display --help
usage: example.py display [-h] [--csv] baz

positional arguments:
  baz         the baz to display

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --csv       sets display mode to CSV


The arguments to the termtool.subcommand() decorator describe the subcommand itself. Subcommands are created using argparse subcommands, so any argument you can pass to the ArgumentParser constructor is valid for subcommand().

Arguments themselves are declared with the termtool.argument() decorator. Subcommand arguments are declared with ArgumentParser.add_argument, so all its arguments are valid for the argument() decorator.

Even though decorators are evaluated closest-first, arguments are added in the order they appear in your source file (that is, in reverse order of how they evaluate). Declare positional arguments in reading order, first argument first.

Arguments that should be available in general to all commands can be specified as class decorators (in scripts for Python 2.6 and greater):

@argument('baz', help='the baz to frob or display')
class Example(Termtool):

    description = 'A script that frobs or displays bazzes'

or by invoking argument() afterward, for compatibility with Python 2.5:

class Example(Termtool):

    description = 'A script that frobs or displays bazzes'


argument('baz', help='the baz to frob or display')(Example)


termtool tools provide automatic support for configuring the logging module. Log messages are formatted simply with the level and the message, and are printed to standard error.

People using your tool can use the -v and -q arguments to change the log level. By default, messages at WARN and lower logging levels are displayed. Each -v argument adds one more verbose level of logging, and each -q argument removes one level, down to CRITICAL level. Critical errors are always displayed.

For example, given the command:

def loglevel(self, args):

you would see output such as:

$ example loglevel
CRITICAL: critical
ERROR: error
WARNING: warning

$ example -v -v loglevel
INFO: Set log level to DEBUG
CRITICAL: critical
ERROR: error
WARNING: warning
INFO: info
DEBUG: debug

$ example -q -q loglevel
CRITICAL: critical

$ example -qqqqq loglevel
CRITICAL: critical

$ example -qqqqqvvvvvqvqvqqv loglevel
CRITICAL: critical
ERROR: error

Displaying tables

termtool tools can present information to people using them in tables for easy reading. Tables can be created using the table() callable on termtool.Termtool instances.

The table() callable is really the prettytable.PrettyTable class, so all arguments to the prettytable.PrettyTable constructor are valid arguments to the table() callable.

@subcommand(help='display the songs')
def display(self, args):
    song = self.get_songs()

    table = self.table(['ID', 'Title', 'Artist', 'Album'])
    for song in songs:
        table.add_row([song.id, song.title, song.artist, song.album])
    print table

Displaying progress bars

termtool tools can show people using them when they’re busy performing long or multistep operations with a progress bar. Use the progressbar() callable on termtool.Termtool instances to create one.

The progressbar() callable is really the progressbar.ProgressBar class, so all arguments to the progressbar.ProgressBar constructor are valid arguments to the progressbar() callable.

@subcommand(help='upload the files')
def upload(self, args):
    files = self.get_files()

    progress = self.progressbar()
    for somefile in progress(files):

Configuration files

termtool tools automatically load options from “rc” style configuration files.

The tool will look for a configuration file in the user’s home directory, named after the tool’s class. Configuration files are simply command line elements separated each on one line. That is, each argument element that would be separated by spaces should be on a separate line; specifically, arguments that take values should be on separate lines from their values. Because configuration files are always loaded, only command-level arguments that are valid for all subcommands should be added.

For example, for a tool declared as:

@argument('--consumer-key', help='the API consumer key')
@argument('--consumer-secret', help='the API consumer secret')
@argument('--access-token', help='the API access token')
class Example(Termtool):

a configuration file specifying these API tokens would be a file named ~/.example that contains:


If your tool has specific arguments you may want people using it to save for later, you can use write_config_file() in another command (such as configure) to write one out. Pass all the arguments you’d like to write out, and Termtool will overwrite the config file with the new settings. The file is created with umask 077 so that it’s readable only by the owner.

def configure(self, args):
    if not args.access_token:
        args.access_token = self.request_access_token(args)

        '--consumer-key', args.consumer_key,
        '--consumer-secret', args.consumer_secret,
        '--access-token', args.access_token,


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